What Sets Us Apart

At Chevy Chase Dermatology, we embrace both cosmetic and medical dermatology because these two areas are intertwined in most patients and being expert in each enhances overall results. Having been raised by parents who are both physicians, Dr. Sommerville regards her profession as both a duty and a privilege to do her very best with every patient encounter. “We are what we repeatedly do”, Aristotle once said. “Excellence then, is not a choice. It’s a habit.

Dr. Sommerville takes her time with every procedure, carefully considers all risks and benefits and focuses on every detail of her work. Her meticulous technique and emphasis on natural results are why many if her international clients still fly in to see her having moved out of United States years ago. She believes in a well-balanced, "less is more" approach to cosmetic treatments.  Beauty is all about harmony and proportion and not about the "frozen", "over-botoxed" forehead, overfilled lips and cheeks resultant from excessive, "cookie-cutter" treatments.  The only way to respects one's beauty and individuality is to create youthful results without the telltale signs of an obvious cosmetic treatment.

Just one example of Dr. Sommerville's dedication is that she takes the time to personally dilute Botox® and Dysport® which are sold as freeze-dried powder in vials to be mixed with saline. This task is relegated to support staff in other practices.  Dr. Sommerville insists on having full control over the final concentration of the product that she is injecting, which in turn translates to optimal clinical results.

Dr. Sommerville has extensive experience with filler injections and never persuades her patients to purchase more of the syringes of Juvederm® or Restylane® that they actually need.  No one who comes to Chevy Chase Dermatology for treatment will ever look like a “real housewife” from a TV show.

At Chevy Chase Dermatology, we use disposable supplies whenever possible and optimal sterilization techniques. We never compromise patients’ safety in order to contain costs. We do not purchase our cosmetic supplies, fillers or Botox® from illegal, discounted internet sources like other practices may. Such products can potentially be expired, ineffective, or dangerous.

We do not succumb to marketing pressures or financial incentives of cosmetic, laser, and pharmaceutical companies. We do not participate with Groupon or Living Social because our patients choose Dr. Sommerville for her experience, safety record, esthetic taste, and high standards. Still, our charges are not exorbitant, but fair for the Chevy Chase/Washington DC market.

We believe in hiring only the best employees who display the same work ethic. We think that everyone has something to teach and something to learn on a daily basis and positive, optimistic work environment fosters excellence.

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Seeking Smooth Sleek Legs? Try Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins

August 15, 2024

Do you hate the tiny veins on your legs? As small as spider veins are, they can gang up in clusters and branches, creating unsightly discolored lines on your formerly smooth and sleek legs. Sclerotherapy is a trusted and effective treatment with more than 250 years of great results behind it - and it still ranks supreme ... read more

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