Moles and birthmarks
What Are the Various Types of Birthmarks?

There are different types of birthmarks that can occur in an individual. They may affect skin color or texture at the time of birth itself, or they can appear anytime during a person's life. Some of the most common types of birthmarks include café au lait spots, moles and hemangiomas. Dr. Margaret Summerville of Chevy... read more
What types of birthmarks are seen by dermatologists?

Birthmarks are a unique trait to many patients. When you are born, you may have had a mark on the skin. This mark can develop anywhere and may look different depending on the type of birthmark. At Chevy Chase Dermatology, Dr. Margaret Summerville and her team can evaluate a patient to determine the type of... read more
Types of birthmarks

If you were born with discoloration on the skin, you may have what is called a birthmark. Birthmarks may be present at birth or develop within the first month or so of life. They are noncancerous (benign) and can occur anywhere on the face and body. They vary in size, shape, and color depending on... read more