Skin Care
Clinical Skin Care That Works
Clinical skin care products are often backed by scientific research and clinical studies. The products and treatments have higher concentrations of the active ingredients that are present in over-the-counter products. Clinical skin care products often, if not always, require a prescription to obtain. Dr. Sommerville at Chevy Chase Dermatology believes that the two most studied and trusted antiaging... read more
The Truth Behind SPF and Sunscreens
Summer is here but summer fun couldn’t be further away if your fun in the sun is being shadowed by questions about sunscreen. What strength do I use? How often do I reapply? What in the world do SPF numbers even mean? If I use SPF 30 and SPF 60, have I just created SPF 90?... read more
FAQs About Chemical Peels: Your Guide to Fresher Skin
Are you looking for healthy, refined skin that glows in the summer sun? If so, chemical peels may be your answer. Many people are using chemical peels to gain youthful-looking skin. In this blog post, we will answer frequently asked questions about this skin-saving treatment. What Are Chemical Peels? Chemical peels work their magic by... read more
How to keep the skin hydrated during the winter months

If you live in the area of Chevy Chase, MD and deal with dry, parched winter skin, it’s time to work with a professional to develop an appropriate skincare routine for this season. Dr. Margaret Summerville of Chevy Chase Dermatology educates patients on the importance of switching skincare regimens during the changing seasons to properly... read more
High to Low: 3 Levels of Exfoliation to Ease You Into Fall

The changing seasons isn’t just the perfect opportunity for you to get a new wardrobe, but it’s also a great chance for you to get better skin. Typically, when we transition from summer to fall, patients experience dry, peeling skin which can be a bit irritating. To get rid of dry skin, exfoliation is key,... read more
Freckle or Sunspot: What's the Difference

Summer is all about spending time outside and soaking up the sun. Although a little bit of vitamin D is good for your health, too much sun exposure puts you at risk of developing a variety of things including skin cancer, premature fine lines and wrinkles, sunspots, and freckles. The best thing you can do... read more
3 Tips for Smooth Skin

If there's one thing that we all want (other than world peace of course) it’s to have smoother, younger, healthier looking skin. With so many things online and so many commercials on TV, it can be overwhelming to know what treatments will give you real results. If it’s just smooth skin that you want, then... read more
Spring into Spring with Better Skin: 3 Habits to Start Now

Spring has sprung and even though you may not be spending as much time outside now as you are going to during the summer, there is no better time than now to get into the habit of taking better care of your skin. To help you step into warmer weather with better looking skin, we... read more
Resolute To Have Better Skin In 2019

One of the reasons why so many people give up on their new year's resolutions once February roles around is because they haven’t set goals that are attainable. By starting out small with your goals, you can hopefully see greater results in the long run. Here at Chevy Chase Dermatology, we have a few ways... read more
When Pumpkin Is Good For More Than Just Pie

Yes, when you hear the word “Pumpkin” during this time of year the only real thing you may associate it with is pumpkin pie. Although pumpkin pie is a staple around your Thanksgiving dinner table, did you know that pumpkin is also really good for your skin as well? What’s In Pumpkin That Makes It... read more